Monday, November 4, 2013

Learn to say no and go against the flow

With changing my diet to clean eating I changed my lifestyle. There are certain things I will never buy or eat again and there are other things I will eat or drink but just for special occasions.
I like the way I feel and I love to see the changes in my body because I changed my lifestyle. I feel better, healthier and stronger.

But this new lifestyle ins't always easy. Most people do not eat the way I do and they have a hard time understanding. So often I hear comments (mostly negative) or I get interesting looks.
Last week on Halloween a friend invited me for dinner. We were a big group so she ordered pizza. The pizza was greasy and covered in cheese and totally not what I wanted to eat. But I took a peace because I didn't want to hear the comments or get the funny looks. After I went home I saw a post on Instagram from Tarah Andrews (Figure Universe Pro/Sponsored Athlete) I quote:"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and don't apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in".
This made me think. Why did I eat the pizza (I am not even a big fan of GOOD pizza)? I ate it because I didn't want to hear the comments and get the looks so I choose the easy way. Was it what I wanted? NO! I said yes but I wanted to say no. It is not just about the pizza it is about everything in life. We often say yes to things but we really want to say no. And yes there are situation where a no is just not the right thing to say or do but there are other situation's where we should say no.
This is my life, my body and my decision. And I am making the decisions to say no. No to the easy way. No to always go with the flow and no to food that I just do not want to put in my body anymore!

Can you say no? To what do you say no?

Happy Monday!

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