Monday, May 26, 2014


I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend. I have had a relaxing few days with lots of sleep, good workouts and some time on the pool/beach.

My photo shoot is coming up pretty soon and I am trying to get ready for it. I started doing fasted cardio last week which I actually really enjoy. For the next couple of weeks I will make sure to drink a gallon a day and I will try to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I will also change my diet a little bit because I have a very sensitive stomach and bloat easily.
To show you how much my stomach actually changes and to be REAL I show you some pictures (no filters just the real me) that were taken this weekend. The first two pictures I took after my fasted run on Saturday morning. The only thing I had by the time I took that picture was water.
The third picture was taken this afternoon on the beach. By that time I already ate three meals and one of them was Greek yogurt which I love but it bloats me really bad (plus my posing isn't good ;-)!).
I show you this to remind you that next time when you look at that person you admire and you are too harsh on yourself that no one is perfect. We have good and bad days. We can change so much with hair and make up, the right posing, filters and photoshop. So be easy on yourself because no one is perfect! 

Happy Monday!

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